Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Quick update

Profit/Loss : 18.58€
Total Profit/Loss : 194.59€
Current Bank : 929.81€

Here's last week result. A poor week in terms of the number of football matches available to trade on but I can't complain much because all were green once again.

December's P/L was muched better than November's despite having had a stupid weekend in the beginning of the month where I managed to lose around 10€ ( see previous posts ).

As an aside note, I don't have a red trade since 8th of December. Let's see for how long I'll be able to keep this winning streak going.

I'll soon post some thoughts about my money management and about my new goals for this new year. All I can tell for now is that I'm going to raise the bar in terms of the expected profit per month but also trying to keep this low-risk approach. I'll talk more about this soon so I can clarify some ideas in my head.

Happy new year!

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