Sunday, 13 January 2008

You offered, I accepted it !

Profit/Loss : 164.87€
Total Profit/Loss : 394.53€
Current Bank : 1129.75€

First of all, let me clarify the -0.01€ loss I talked about in the last post. I received a call from Betfair clarifying the situation. What happened was that my back bet was matched by someone on a different currency which means that there were some conversions involved and therefore these discrepancies are very likely to happen. This didn't cross my mind at the time but thanks to Betfair for the explanation. In fact, this happened again during this weekend, 1 cent is 1 cent, so why bother ? Let's move on.

On Thursday I was the lucky guy that got 2.00 and 2.50 offered on the draw when Arsenal equalized 1-1 at the 79th minute. Obviously I accepted and backed 400€, some at 2.50 and the rest at 2.00, some seconds later I laid at 1.54 and made a greenbook of 121.74€. I'm very sorry for the guy that made the mistake but this game is tough and we have to take every chance we can.

The weekend didn't start very well, horrible Saturday making less than 10€ and horrible start of Sunday losing -6.75€ on the horses. I made a stupid mistake of entering the market with too much money breaking my money management model ( more on this on a future post ) but honestly I didn't notice it until I got out of the market but at least I didn't let the loss run and was able to get out quickly. I must confess that I was missing the horses so this weekend I decided to go there and try to make a few € if I could but things started badly and I had to leave with a loss. Needless to say that I forgot the horses and moved on to some football but I'll get back at the horses some time soon, I want to make the horses my main trading sport. Is it necessary to explain why ?

Sunday's afternoon was quite interesting but ended much better than it started making more than 30€ is just two matches. Having patience is a great advantage, is it not ? Check out the P/L screenshot.

I guess I already talked about this before but anyway, I'll soon be posting about my money management model and I'll also talk a bit about my future goals. I know I'm lazy so this may take a couple of weeks... :)

1 comment:

JP said...


I've added a link to your blog over on mine. Thanks for doing the same.

All the best