Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Another small number in the bag

Profit/Loss : 3.24€
Total Profit/Loss : 25.38€
Current Bank : 760.61€

Another trade on NBA, another greenbook.

This time was Portland Trail Blazers @ Charlotte Bobcats. Bobcats were the favourites starting at a price of 1.43 or so. I've only made 4 trades during this trading session ( went to bed at half-time as usual ), all were profitable, this time starting with 20€ chunks instead of 10€. It was enough to give me a 3.24€ profit as the Bobcats won the game by 9 points difference. Not much more to say about this trading session.

For those interested in charts, there you have the Bobcats chart at half-time.

Good luck on your tradings!

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