Total Profit/Loss : 1825.57€
Current Bank : 2560.79€
First of all, I'd like to point out that I've skipped the post from last week simply because I had a very busy weekend so I didn't have the time to post last week's update. Many things happened during the last 2 weeks ( this one included ) which kept me quite busy.
To start this post, I'll first write about last week's weekend and then I'll write about this one.
So, last weekend I bought a laptop and had to install all the usual software, setting everything up took me almost a day while still trying to do some trading. I wasn't very comfortable to trade using the new laptop so I wasn't expecting to beat a record or something. It was an uneventful week, just followed my basic plan, taking a tick here and there without too much risk.
This weekend was another busy weekend. I used to advantage the fact that I didn't have to go to work on Friday to speed up things a little bit regarding the software I'm currently developing to trade on Betfair. It's something that I'll start to write about as well, so that I can keep track of the development too.
Yesterday I made a couple of mistakes that irritated me quite a bit. First, I did something that's not usual which was to lay a team that scored the goal just after the market reopened. I layed Udinese ( against Livorno at home ) at 1.05 expecting to back at 1.06/1.07 but I wasn't that lucky and I had to back at 1.03 giving me a redbook of around -14€. I felt stupid really. Then after this stupid mistakes I lost 2 ticks in 2 consecutive half-times, not that I've done a stupid mistake here, it was just normal trading. That gave me 3 losses in a row, it's not very normal for me, fortunetely! Ended the Saturday with a loss of -9€.
Today it was a much better day, didn't catch anything special but picked up several little opportunities here and there, tick by tick I made a daily profit of 71€. I couldn't resist to put some money on the Tennis final between Fish and Dojkovic but well, I'm awful at trading tennis so I ended with a loss of -6€. I still have everything to learn about Tennis, watching the game live on betfair ( livevideo ) and watching the odds moving was a good practice to me, I'll give it another shot on another match sometime soon.

I thought I'd post here a picture about the current state of my software, it's in the early stages so it doesn't allow me to do anything except to nagivate through the markets menu, opening a market and watching the prices being updated with an interval of 8 seconds or something. The visual interface is still rough, I'm still doing lots of tests. Just bear in mind that everything is temporary.
( The market information shown in the picture has nothing to do with the market in question. )
Nice to see your bank is still continuing with momentum!
Great to see your doing well.
Will your software be licenced for sale to other betfair users?
Good luck either way,
The main reason why I'm developing my own software is that I won't need to pay for a subscription such as betangel which costs a lot of money and also because with my own software I have the freedom to do what I want. If I come up with a new idea for a new strategy I can adjust the software to help me with it.
I don't know whether I'll be licensing it or even distributing it for free. I haven't really thought about it because it will take some really good time until it's on a finished state. I don't have much free time so I'll just take it easy. I'll keep on posting about the developing progress.
Thanks for your posts! Cya!
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