Total Profit/Loss : 1825.57€
Current Bank : 2560.79€
First of all, I'd like to point out that I've skipped the post from last week simply because I had a very busy weekend so I didn't have the time to post last week's update. Many things happened during the last 2 weeks ( this one included ) which kept me quite busy.
To start this post, I'll first write about last week's weekend and then I'll write about this one.
So, last weekend I bought a laptop and had to install all the usual software, setting everything up took me almost a day while still trying to do some trading. I wasn't very comfortable to trade using the new laptop so I wasn't expecting to beat a record or something. It was an uneventful week, just followed my basic plan, taking a tick here and there without too much risk.
This weekend was another busy weekend. I used to advantage the fact that I didn't have to go to work on Friday to speed up things a little bit regarding the software I'm currently developing to trade on Betfair. It's something that I'll start to write about as well, so that I can keep track of the development too.
Yesterday I made a couple of mistakes that irritated me quite a bit. First, I did something that's not usual which was to lay a team that scored the goal just after the market reopened. I layed Udinese ( against Livorno at home ) at 1.05 expecting to back at 1.06/1.07 but I wasn't that lucky and I had to back at 1.03 giving me a redbook of around -14€. I felt stupid really. Then after this stupid mistakes I lost 2 ticks in 2 consecutive half-times, not that I've done a stupid mistake here, it was just normal trading. That gave me 3 losses in a row, it's not very normal for me, fortunetely! Ended the Saturday with a loss of -9€.
Today it was a much better day, didn't catch anything special but picked up several little opportunities here and there, tick by tick I made a daily profit of 71€. I couldn't resist to put some money on the Tennis final between Fish and Dojkovic but well, I'm awful at trading tennis so I ended with a loss of -6€. I still have everything to learn about Tennis, watching the game live on betfair ( livevideo ) and watching the odds moving was a good practice to me, I'll give it another shot on another match sometime soon.

I thought I'd post here a picture about the current state of my software, it's in the early stages so it doesn't allow me to do anything except to nagivate through the markets menu, opening a market and watching the prices being updated with an interval of 8 seconds or something. The visual interface is still rough, I'm still doing lots of tests. Just bear in mind that everything is temporary.
( The market information shown in the picture has nothing to do with the market in question. )