Profit/Loss : 241.59€
Total Profit/Loss : 1142.77€
Current Bank : 1877.99€
What a week!
My expected profit for this month is 158.96€ and only this week I made much more than that. Marvelous !
Only 2 redbooks during the whole weekend and only 1 mistake.
Sorry but I can't go into more details because I'll have to go to bed, it's too late! If you have any questions, just post a comment and I'll be glad to answer.
Sunday, 24 February 2008
Sunday, 17 February 2008
Mental fragility !
Profit/Loss : 24.03€
Total Profit/Loss : 901.18€
Current Bank : 1636.40€
At the moment, my mental fragility is coming up to the surface, I have no doubt about that. I'm finding it hard to keep a good mental attitude which leads to some stupid mistakes, fortunetely this time without major consequences. This is the time when I start to feel that a big loss is just around the corner, I can smell it ! It's time to lock the gates and keep every penny behind closed doors and let the storm go away.
During the half-time of Zaragoza - Barcelona the market was trading at 1.29 to sell ( back ) and 1.30 to buy ( lay ) with some sets of 10k on each side waiting to get matched. I was in a good position at 1.29 to sell and about to put my sell order at 1.30 so I could make a 1 tick profit. What happened next was nasty. Someone came in with 340k ( yeah, you read it well, 340k !!! ) and changed the market to 1.28 to sell and 1.29 to buy and obviously I got matched at 1.29 in the blink of an eye and was left in a bad position, I had to leave with a 1 tick loss. This was the third loss in a row. I was totally pissed off! How can someone join a market with 340k ? Isn't it dangerous for him ? These are the kind of situations that puts me on a mental state that leads me to many mistakes. There was no way I could have predicted that those 340k were coming in against me and that doesn't make me very happy. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!
I made a terrible mistake that made me laugh for some time. Bayern Munich was playing at Hannover and scored the first goal. I thought about trying to enter the market to get some nice odds so I thought that 1.39 could be a good price. As soon as the suspended screen dissapeared I submitted my bet. My bet ( 650€ @ 1.39 ) was sitting in there with no more bets in the market, I was there all alone. Obviously, I immediately thought that there was something very bad happening and then I saw my money getting eaten away at a slow pace. It was only then that I noticed that I was on the "next goal" market and not on the "match odds" market. Fortunetely, only 125€ got matched but I was left in a very bad situation, tried to get out at the best prices possible, 2, 2.10, 2.12, 2.14 and so on. It wasn't easy to get out as there was almost no money in that market. I was green on Bayern M. to score the next goal and red on the other outcomes and guess what happened. Bayern M. scored a bit later and that stupid mistake gave my 20€. How that happened ? Well, I don't really know what happened but during the suspension my software changed from one market to the other, I haven't noticed it because the suspension screen is equal on all markets. What a lucky bastard I am !
During the Saturday I had 4 losses in a row which is my new losing record. It doesn't make me proud but it's just to let you know.
Total Profit/Loss : 901.18€
Current Bank : 1636.40€
At the moment, my mental fragility is coming up to the surface, I have no doubt about that. I'm finding it hard to keep a good mental attitude which leads to some stupid mistakes, fortunetely this time without major consequences. This is the time when I start to feel that a big loss is just around the corner, I can smell it ! It's time to lock the gates and keep every penny behind closed doors and let the storm go away.
During the half-time of Zaragoza - Barcelona the market was trading at 1.29 to sell ( back ) and 1.30 to buy ( lay ) with some sets of 10k on each side waiting to get matched. I was in a good position at 1.29 to sell and about to put my sell order at 1.30 so I could make a 1 tick profit. What happened next was nasty. Someone came in with 340k ( yeah, you read it well, 340k !!! ) and changed the market to 1.28 to sell and 1.29 to buy and obviously I got matched at 1.29 in the blink of an eye and was left in a bad position, I had to leave with a 1 tick loss. This was the third loss in a row. I was totally pissed off! How can someone join a market with 340k ? Isn't it dangerous for him ? These are the kind of situations that puts me on a mental state that leads me to many mistakes. There was no way I could have predicted that those 340k were coming in against me and that doesn't make me very happy. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!
I made a terrible mistake that made me laugh for some time. Bayern Munich was playing at Hannover and scored the first goal. I thought about trying to enter the market to get some nice odds so I thought that 1.39 could be a good price. As soon as the suspended screen dissapeared I submitted my bet. My bet ( 650€ @ 1.39 ) was sitting in there with no more bets in the market, I was there all alone. Obviously, I immediately thought that there was something very bad happening and then I saw my money getting eaten away at a slow pace. It was only then that I noticed that I was on the "next goal" market and not on the "match odds" market. Fortunetely, only 125€ got matched but I was left in a very bad situation, tried to get out at the best prices possible, 2, 2.10, 2.12, 2.14 and so on. It wasn't easy to get out as there was almost no money in that market. I was green on Bayern M. to score the next goal and red on the other outcomes and guess what happened. Bayern M. scored a bit later and that stupid mistake gave my 20€. How that happened ? Well, I don't really know what happened but during the suspension my software changed from one market to the other, I haven't noticed it because the suspension screen is equal on all markets. What a lucky bastard I am !
During the Saturday I had 4 losses in a row which is my new losing record. It doesn't make me proud but it's just to let you know.
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
My Trading Plan
Several weeks after I've promised to write about my current trading plan, here it is. It's not a waste of time to write about this kind of things. It also helps me to remaind my own rules.
For those that don't know what money management is, in a few words, it's what prevents you from going broke in a couple of bad shots. It is what allows you to survive as long as possible to keep fighting to achieve your goals. It is your survival kit. I'll define my scheme here and hope to follow it religiously which sometimes isn't easy as you might know.
So, my money management is quite simple and obeys to very basic rules.
The amount I'm allowed to lose on a market is predifined by a percentage of my bank established at the beginning of each month. If my previous month ends on a profit then a new maximum allowed loss is calculated based on that %, if my previous month ends on a loss then I keep the same maximum allowed loss from that previous month. I'm currently "allowed" to lose 2% of my bank on a market. I may change this to 1% as my bank reaches higher values but for now I'll keep at this value. It's important to say that I don't wait for my trades to hit this 2% loss to get out, I leave as soon as possible if things aren't looking good but if for some reason a bad trade hits this 2%, an alarm raises and I'm forced to leave no matter what.
Maybe I should also define a maximum value I'm allowed to put in the market just in case something goes wrong with Betfair. Imagine that Betfair crashes and I have 75% of my bank in the market for a trade, not a good scenario, is it ? Obviously, I'm not expecting Betfair to crash but I've heard some saying that it already happened and some have lost some large amounts because of that. Has it happened to you ? What mechanisms do you have in place to minimize the consequences of such situations ? I'd love to hear what do you think about this.
Initially I thought about establishing a maximum bank size of 2000€. I was thinking about withdrawing everything above that value on a monthly basis ( can't wait for my first withdrawal eheh ) but I've changed my mind simply because such a low bank isn't very compatible with my current low risk strategy, it would generate low profits. My main goal is 1000€ per month and using my current strategy I need a bank size of much more than 2000€. I'll need a bank of around 6000€ to make me 1000€ per month.
Here are a few screenshots from my spreadsheet that I use to calculate me everything that I need to know.
What these tables tells me is quite simple. The rows are the % of my maximum allowed loss per market. I'm currently on the 2% plan, so I forget the other rows except the 2%. The columns are the number of ticks I think I may lose on the market in case things go wrong. Combining both the row and the column gives me my tick size. A tick size is the amount you win/lose with just one tick. During the most of my trades I think I may lose a maximum of 4 ticks, so according to to the first table, my tick size must be 0.005% of the starting bank of the current month. The table below tells me how much € is that, 6,96€. I usually round down this value to multiples of 0,50€, so in this case I trade with tick sizes of 6,50€.
This table is used to keep a record of my profits and to establish a comparison to a simple forecasting given an expected % profit per month. At the moment I'm expecting to make 15% per month, I think it's quite an achieveable value.

For those that don't know what money management is, in a few words, it's what prevents you from going broke in a couple of bad shots. It is what allows you to survive as long as possible to keep fighting to achieve your goals. It is your survival kit. I'll define my scheme here and hope to follow it religiously which sometimes isn't easy as you might know.
So, my money management is quite simple and obeys to very basic rules.
The amount I'm allowed to lose on a market is predifined by a percentage of my bank established at the beginning of each month. If my previous month ends on a profit then a new maximum allowed loss is calculated based on that %, if my previous month ends on a loss then I keep the same maximum allowed loss from that previous month. I'm currently "allowed" to lose 2% of my bank on a market. I may change this to 1% as my bank reaches higher values but for now I'll keep at this value. It's important to say that I don't wait for my trades to hit this 2% loss to get out, I leave as soon as possible if things aren't looking good but if for some reason a bad trade hits this 2%, an alarm raises and I'm forced to leave no matter what.
Maybe I should also define a maximum value I'm allowed to put in the market just in case something goes wrong with Betfair. Imagine that Betfair crashes and I have 75% of my bank in the market for a trade, not a good scenario, is it ? Obviously, I'm not expecting Betfair to crash but I've heard some saying that it already happened and some have lost some large amounts because of that. Has it happened to you ? What mechanisms do you have in place to minimize the consequences of such situations ? I'd love to hear what do you think about this.
Initially I thought about establishing a maximum bank size of 2000€. I was thinking about withdrawing everything above that value on a monthly basis ( can't wait for my first withdrawal eheh ) but I've changed my mind simply because such a low bank isn't very compatible with my current low risk strategy, it would generate low profits. My main goal is 1000€ per month and using my current strategy I need a bank size of much more than 2000€. I'll need a bank of around 6000€ to make me 1000€ per month.
Here are a few screenshots from my spreadsheet that I use to calculate me everything that I need to know.
What these tables tells me is quite simple. The rows are the % of my maximum allowed loss per market. I'm currently on the 2% plan, so I forget the other rows except the 2%. The columns are the number of ticks I think I may lose on the market in case things go wrong. Combining both the row and the column gives me my tick size. A tick size is the amount you win/lose with just one tick. During the most of my trades I think I may lose a maximum of 4 ticks, so according to to the first table, my tick size must be 0.005% of the starting bank of the current month. The table below tells me how much € is that, 6,96€. I usually round down this value to multiples of 0,50€, so in this case I trade with tick sizes of 6,50€.
This table is used to keep a record of my profits and to establish a comparison to a simple forecasting given an expected % profit per month. At the moment I'm expecting to make 15% per month, I think it's quite an achieveable value.

This image is a kind of main page that sums it all up. Cells surrounded by a black box are values that must be edited by the user, the others are outputs. I think all fields are self-explanatory. Just note that the starting bank in the picture doesn't match the starting bank of this blog because the spreadsheet is for 2008 and I started this blog in 2007.
Feel free to throw some question at me. I'd be happy to answer. I'd also be happy to read about your trading plan.
Think I'm leaving now, it's too late, bed is calling for me. Cya !
Feel free to throw some question at me. I'd be happy to answer. I'd also be happy to read about your trading plan.
Think I'm leaving now, it's too late, bed is calling for me. Cya !
Sunday, 10 February 2008
Eventful week !
Profit/Loss : 179.82€
Total Profit/Loss : 877.15€
Current Bank : 1612.37€
What an eventful week ! Everything happened this week. Bad trades, perfect trades and even some stupid connection drops during some busy times.
Saturday was an awful day. Made some very bad trades which costed me around 20€. Fortunetely for my bank I made around 165€ on a single football match ( Atalanta vs. Fiorentina ) by taking a good price on the draw just after an equalising goal at the 90th minute. It was a green day but not a happy day. I'd have preferred to have a 20€ profit with good trading practices instead of what I got. Went to bed thinking about what went wrong and didn't take much time to come to a conclusion, because it was getting too easy, I was rushing in to make a profit at all costs instead of waiting for the right moment to step in.
Sunday was a different day, changed my behaviour slightly and everything went according to the plan. Ended with a profit of 57€ on the day. Pretty simple when you follow your plan.
Here's the screenshot, a bit shorter this time.
Remember my first post ? A loss of 819€ on a single football match made me create this blog to help me stay focused and disciplined in trying to get it all back. It took me around 3 months but it's finally back in my pocket!
I'd just like to point out that my bank is at the highest value I ever had. I'm having bigger profits than I predicted so I'm not expecting this to continue much longer.
Total Profit/Loss : 877.15€
Current Bank : 1612.37€
What an eventful week ! Everything happened this week. Bad trades, perfect trades and even some stupid connection drops during some busy times.
Saturday was an awful day. Made some very bad trades which costed me around 20€. Fortunetely for my bank I made around 165€ on a single football match ( Atalanta vs. Fiorentina ) by taking a good price on the draw just after an equalising goal at the 90th minute. It was a green day but not a happy day. I'd have preferred to have a 20€ profit with good trading practices instead of what I got. Went to bed thinking about what went wrong and didn't take much time to come to a conclusion, because it was getting too easy, I was rushing in to make a profit at all costs instead of waiting for the right moment to step in.
Sunday was a different day, changed my behaviour slightly and everything went according to the plan. Ended with a profit of 57€ on the day. Pretty simple when you follow your plan.
Here's the screenshot, a bit shorter this time.
Remember my first post ? A loss of 819€ on a single football match made me create this blog to help me stay focused and disciplined in trying to get it all back. It took me around 3 months but it's finally back in my pocket!
I'd just like to point out that my bank is at the highest value I ever had. I'm having bigger profits than I predicted so I'm not expecting this to continue much longer.
Monday, 4 February 2008
Thieves !!!
Something bad happened today! Something that should not have happened!
I was keeping an eye on Setúbal - Naval match and when Naval scored 0-2 I tried to take a couple of ticks when the odds were trying to calm down. I got partially matched at 1.16 and was going to buy at 1.13. As soon as I touched the submit button my software returned an error, I looked at my modem/router and the DSL led was blinking ! Connection drop ! A greenbook of 6€ was at one click away!
When I got my connection up again ( took around 30 seconds ) the first thing I saw was SUSPENDED on the screen. Setúbal scored 1-2 and I had to leave with a redbook of 62€, fucking great!
Having just one connection drop is not what bothers me. What really bothers me is that I have connection drops every single day, like 3 or 4 per day and I've complained to my ISP before about this and they said to me they were going to fix it! Guess what, it's the very same shit since October 2007. I've just called them once again complaining about it and they came to me with the same bullshit. They are just a bunch of a stupid assholes that don't even know what a computer is! They seem to be programmed to say the same shit over and over again on the phone, just like a stupid bot!
What kills me is the fact that there's no one to support me against these thieves. It's a battle that I cannot win. There are no authorities! Nobody takes responsabilities for what happens ! Shit happens and nobody is to blame ! They are all a bunch of thieves!
One week blown away, fucking great! One day they are gonna eat my shit!
I was keeping an eye on Setúbal - Naval match and when Naval scored 0-2 I tried to take a couple of ticks when the odds were trying to calm down. I got partially matched at 1.16 and was going to buy at 1.13. As soon as I touched the submit button my software returned an error, I looked at my modem/router and the DSL led was blinking ! Connection drop ! A greenbook of 6€ was at one click away!
When I got my connection up again ( took around 30 seconds ) the first thing I saw was SUSPENDED on the screen. Setúbal scored 1-2 and I had to leave with a redbook of 62€, fucking great!
Having just one connection drop is not what bothers me. What really bothers me is that I have connection drops every single day, like 3 or 4 per day and I've complained to my ISP before about this and they said to me they were going to fix it! Guess what, it's the very same shit since October 2007. I've just called them once again complaining about it and they came to me with the same bullshit. They are just a bunch of a stupid assholes that don't even know what a computer is! They seem to be programmed to say the same shit over and over again on the phone, just like a stupid bot!
What kills me is the fact that there's no one to support me against these thieves. It's a battle that I cannot win. There are no authorities! Nobody takes responsabilities for what happens ! Shit happens and nobody is to blame ! They are all a bunch of thieves!
One week blown away, fucking great! One day they are gonna eat my shit!
Sunday, 3 February 2008
Why ?
Profit/Loss : 55.59€
Total Profit/Loss : 697.33€
Current Bank : 1432.55€
The P/L may look interesting but this weekend was not a good one. I've made 3 mistakes, 2 were absolutely stupid, the other one was due to innocence.
Saturday started as usual, one tick here and there and the bank building quite well without missing a trade. The last match of the day between Benfica and Nacional I decided to enter the half-time for one more tick but failed to see that there wasn't enough money in the market for me to enter. I was completely blind thinking about getting another tick because everything seems so easy. It went against me and it was difficult to get out so I had to took the best price to get out and lost something around 2 ticks. Because the day was going so well this one pissed me off quite badly as usual. Failing to see that I shouldn't have entered in such a market was one of the 2 stupid mistakes. Next...
Sunday started well but soon I had something ugly in my hands. The match between Inter and Empoli was an interesting one. Inter started the match at odds of 1.15 and during the first half they scored 1-0. Odds went down to 1.06 but then there was a sending off from Inter and odds went up to something around 1.15. By the time the match went to half-time the best prices were 1.17 - 1.20 so I offered 1.19 to lay. During the 8 seconds delay before any inplay bet joins the market, the market went up to 1.19 - 1.20 so I got matched immediately, something that I wasn't expecting ( first warning sign telling me to leave it immediately ? ). From then on the price kept moving up and in a few seconds reached 1.23-1.24. Damn, I wasn't understanding what the hell was going on. Inter started at 1.15 with the result 0-0 and still 90 minutes to play and with the result 1-0 and just 45 minutes to play they were above 1.20s, 1 man difference shouldn't be such a huge problem for Inter. I couldn't understand it really and that was what allowed to stay in the market for a bit more time because I thought that it would go down to where it was in just a few seconds. Sometimes these markets behave a bit erraticaly and correct themselves in a few seconds. But this time it didn't happened I had to leave with a redbook of -31€. My money manegement allows me to have a maximum loss of around 26€, I was in shock. All weekend was wasted. Then the second stupid mistake came. In my mind I could only thought about getting it back somehow so my only chance was to go inplay. Inter's price remained at 1.20 until there was only 15 minutes to play ( can someone explain to me why ?!? ). I knew that the price would have to start to fall at hight speed towards 1.01, so I just waited for the right moment to step in and take the ride and so it happened, made a few ticks and ended winning 1.63 on this match. One of my gold rules is to simply not enter on inplay markets. It's too risky and I've tasted its flavor a couple of times. Shame on me, I feel so stupid !
By the way, I had my first trade on Tennis that went quite well. It was a match between Israel and Russian for the Federations Cup and it was easily to see that the Russian player was much better than the Israeli so I just backed the Russian player and laid one tick lower. Simple.
Here's the P/L from this last week.
I've beaten my previous profit record in a month by just 6€. January is a new record for me. Here's the P/L screenshot from January.
I guess I'm going to take a look at the SuperBowl markets now and see if I can take a tick or two.
Total Profit/Loss : 697.33€
Current Bank : 1432.55€
The P/L may look interesting but this weekend was not a good one. I've made 3 mistakes, 2 were absolutely stupid, the other one was due to innocence.
Saturday started as usual, one tick here and there and the bank building quite well without missing a trade. The last match of the day between Benfica and Nacional I decided to enter the half-time for one more tick but failed to see that there wasn't enough money in the market for me to enter. I was completely blind thinking about getting another tick because everything seems so easy. It went against me and it was difficult to get out so I had to took the best price to get out and lost something around 2 ticks. Because the day was going so well this one pissed me off quite badly as usual. Failing to see that I shouldn't have entered in such a market was one of the 2 stupid mistakes. Next...
Sunday started well but soon I had something ugly in my hands. The match between Inter and Empoli was an interesting one. Inter started the match at odds of 1.15 and during the first half they scored 1-0. Odds went down to 1.06 but then there was a sending off from Inter and odds went up to something around 1.15. By the time the match went to half-time the best prices were 1.17 - 1.20 so I offered 1.19 to lay. During the 8 seconds delay before any inplay bet joins the market, the market went up to 1.19 - 1.20 so I got matched immediately, something that I wasn't expecting ( first warning sign telling me to leave it immediately ? ). From then on the price kept moving up and in a few seconds reached 1.23-1.24. Damn, I wasn't understanding what the hell was going on. Inter started at 1.15 with the result 0-0 and still 90 minutes to play and with the result 1-0 and just 45 minutes to play they were above 1.20s, 1 man difference shouldn't be such a huge problem for Inter. I couldn't understand it really and that was what allowed to stay in the market for a bit more time because I thought that it would go down to where it was in just a few seconds. Sometimes these markets behave a bit erraticaly and correct themselves in a few seconds. But this time it didn't happened I had to leave with a redbook of -31€. My money manegement allows me to have a maximum loss of around 26€, I was in shock. All weekend was wasted. Then the second stupid mistake came. In my mind I could only thought about getting it back somehow so my only chance was to go inplay. Inter's price remained at 1.20 until there was only 15 minutes to play ( can someone explain to me why ?!? ). I knew that the price would have to start to fall at hight speed towards 1.01, so I just waited for the right moment to step in and take the ride and so it happened, made a few ticks and ended winning 1.63 on this match. One of my gold rules is to simply not enter on inplay markets. It's too risky and I've tasted its flavor a couple of times. Shame on me, I feel so stupid !
By the way, I had my first trade on Tennis that went quite well. It was a match between Israel and Russian for the Federations Cup and it was easily to see that the Russian player was much better than the Israeli so I just backed the Russian player and laid one tick lower. Simple.
Here's the P/L from this last week.
I've beaten my previous profit record in a month by just 6€. January is a new record for me. Here's the P/L screenshot from January.
I guess I'm going to take a look at the SuperBowl markets now and see if I can take a tick or two.
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