Friday, 31 October 2008

Finally there !

Profit/Loss : 1174.51€
Total Profit/Loss : 5575.01€
Current Bank : 6310.27€

When I started the blog I've set a goal of making 1000€/month. I'm finally there ! But... it's not time to celebrate yet, I must keep this figure above 1000€/month consistently ( ~3 months ) and then I can say I've really made it.

Cya !


Steve said...

Does this still work out as over 1000 after the taxes that Betfair stick on?

The Nameless Trader said...

Hi Steve,

Betfair says that the new taxes are only affecting 1% of their accounts so I'm certainly not affected. :)

But yes, giving away 20% of your profits to Betfair is disgusting !

I'm currently with 5575.01€ profit. 20% of that is 1115€ so basically the last month wouldn't count towards my profits. Sick !